recent show results and other news...
2014 June 2014:
Bling - 4th Place - Sweepstakes
Irish Setter Club of America National Specialty
2014 March 30, 2014:
MONET, Best in Veteran Sweeps - Irish Setter Club of Sacramento.
2014: March 29, 2014:
MONET, Award of Merit in the regular classes and Best of Opposite Sex in Veteran Sweeps - Irish Setter Club of the Pacific.
BLING, Best of Opposite Sex in Puppy Sweeps - Irish Setter Club of the Pacific.
2014: March 28, 2014:
MONET, Best of Opposite Sex in Regular Classes, Best of Opposite Sex in Veteran Sweeps - Irish Setter Club of Central California.
FAITH, Reserve Winners Bitch - 5 point major - Irish Setter Club of Central California.
BLING, Best in Puppy Sweeps - Irish Setter Club of Central California.
2014 January 26, 2014: Orange Empire Dog 
Show, Monet, shown by Dawn after being away
from the show ring for almost 2 years due to having pups, went Best of Opposite Sex.
2013 August 31, 2013: Cabrillo Kennel Club
Faith, shown by Rich, won Winners Bitch
Bling, shown by Dawn, went Reserve, Bred
By Exhibitor Best of Breed and Bred By

Exhibitor Sporting Group 1
2013 June 1, 2013:
Irish Setter Club of Southern California
Faith passed her CGC Test
Bling won Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex.
She also passed her CGC test (Canine Good 

Citizen) at 7 months old.
2013 May 18, 2013: Mt. Palomar Kennel Club
Bling wins Best Puppy and 1st place in the
Puppy Sporting Group
2013 April - Irish Setter Club of America
Bling: 6-9 puppy sweeps 1st place
Bling: 6-9 puppy class 4th place
2012 October - Drew and Monet had puppies
2012 Del Sur Kennel Club: March 2012
Monet - Best of Breed
2012 San Diego Brittany Club: February 2012
Drew - 4th leg earning his JH title.
2012 Orange Empire Dog Club: January 2012
Monet - Best if Opposite Sex
2012 Orange Empire Dog Club: January 2012
Faith - WB both days
2012 South Coast Vizsla Club: January 2012
Drew gets 3rd leg towards JH Title
2011 Irish Setter Club of Southern California
Hunt Test: November 2011
Drew gets two legs towards his JH Title
2011 Irish Setter Club of America
National Specialty May 2011
DREW: 2nd Place in American Bred Dog
FAITH: 1st Place in 6 - 9 month puppy
2011 Irish Setter Club of Southern California
100th Specialty Show June 4, 2011
DREW: 1st Place in American Bred Dog
FAITH: Best in Sweepstakes
2011 Irish Setter Club of the Pacific

April 2, 2011
DREW: Winners Dog - 4 point Major
FAITH: Class winner, Best Puppy,
2011 Irish Setter Club of Sacramento

April 3, 2011
FAITH: Best of Opposite Sex in 

2011 Apple Valley Kennel Club

March 12, 2011
FAITH: Her first point, Best of Winners and 

Best of Breed
2010 Irish Setter Club of Central California
April 2, 2010
MONET: Winners, Best of Winners 4 point
2009 Irish Setter Club of Greater Tucson

November 2009
MONET: Winners, Best of Winners 4 point
2009 Irish Setter Club of America

National Specialty

June 2009
DREW: 4th place 12 - 18 month dog
Irish Setter Club of Las Vegas

February 2009
DREW: Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best
Puppy, Best in Sweepstakes
Irish Setter Club of America

National Specialty
JEWEL: 1st place: Veteran Sweeps, 8 - 10 
year old veterans

1st place: Veteran regular class, 8 

- 10 year old veterans